• Township Office 717-354-5593  |  
  • Police 717-354-2211

East Earl Township, Lancaster County Pennsylvania, ..... where Heritage is Growing

  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township

MS4 Pollution Reduction Plan - Draft

East Earl Township is making available the MS4 Program, Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) for Conestoga River in electronic format. The downloadable document is being provided in DRAFT form at the links below.

East Earl PRP ~ Draft ( 14MB PDF)


Zoning & Building Permits

East Earl Zoning Map

The PDF made available here is the current zoning map for regions managed by East Earl Township. Please note, Terre Hill Borough manages the zoning regions within its jurisdiction.

Zoning Map for East Earl Township 2014 (PDF)

Zoning Hearing Board Application

Zoning Hearing Board Application (PDF)

Purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board (PDF)

Building Permit Application

The following document is provided by the East Earl Township as the application for plan examination, building permit and certificate of occupancy.

The PDF file must be printed, completed and returned to the Township office for review.

Building Permit Application (PDF)


Ordinance 189 Assignment of building numbers 1-2015

Ordinance 189 Assignment of building numbers 1-2015 (PDF)

Proposed Amended and Restated Zoning Ordinance 2017

East Earl Township’s proposed Amended and Restated Zoning Ordinance is now available for viewing. The latest version of these documents can be be found below in PDF form.

EAST EARL - 2017 Amended and Restated East Earl Township Zoning Ordinance - version 10) (PDF)

Do I need a permit for...

A FENCE - Yes. The Township regulates where you may place fences.

A PATIO - Yes. A zoning permit for location is required because setbacks from the property line apply. No building permit or inspections are required. However, if you plan to use the patio as a foundation for a room addition you will need a permit. The footing inspection will prove that your patio is anchored down at the frost line and not just a "floating slab."

A BARN - Yes. A building permit is required because setbacks from the property line apply. However, all agricultural buildings are exempt from building permits (building codes).

REPLACEMENT ROOF - Yes, if you have a dwelling and are changing the slope of the roof or adding dormers (windows). No, if you have a dwelling and just replacing shingles (re-roofing) or applying a rubber roof. Yes, if it is a non-residential building.

HOT TUB/SPA - Yes. Hot tubs and spas are covered under the Pennsylvania Uniform
Construction Code and require a building permit and inspection.

A UTILITY SHED - Yes. Any residential accessory building requires a  permit. Setbacks from the property line apply.

FINISHING A BASEMENT - Yes. A building permit is required to finish an area in the basement as a room addition. If the area includes a bedroom, an egress (escape) window or door to the outside is required. Any structural alteration to the dwelling for an egress requires a building permit and inspections.

A DECK - Yes. All deck structures require a building permit.

A PRIVATE WALKWAY (SIDEWALK) - Contact the Zoning Officer for direction.    Public pedestrian sidewalks always require a permit, since they must be constructed to a certain standard. 

REPLACEMENT WINDOWS/DOORS - No. If the opening in the wall is not enlarged, no permit or inspection is required. Yes. If you are making an opening where there was none before or making an existing opening larger, a building permit is required.

Right to Know - Open Records Policy

All documents deemed public records are available for inspection, retrieval and duplication at the Township office during established business hours with the exception of holidays. Requests shall be made in writing to the Township Open Records Officer on a form provided by the Township or the PA State form.

Paper copies shall be 25 cents per page per side. The certification of a record is $1.00 per record. Specialized documents – including but not limited to blue prints, color copies and non-standard sized documents – shall be charged the actual cost of reproduction. If mailing is requested, the cost of postage will be charged. The Township shall require prepayment if the total fees are estimated to exceed $100. Fees must be paid before records are released to the requester.

The Township shall make a good-faith effort to provide the requested public record(s) as promptly as possible. The Open Records Officer shall cooperate with those requesting records to review and/or duplicate original Township documents while taking reasonable measure to protect Township documents from the possibility of theft, damage and/or modification. 

The Open Records Officer shall review all written requests for access to public records. As soon as possible, but no later than five business days after receiving a written request to access public records, the Open Records Officer shall respond to such requests in writing consistent with Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law. If access to a record is denied, the response shall include a reason for denial as stipulated in Act 3 of 2008.

If a written request is denied or deemed denied, the requester may file an appeal in writing to Executive Director, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Plaza Level, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225. Appeals of criminal records shall be made to the District Attorney of Lancaster County, Courthouse, 50 North Duke Street, P. O. Box 83480, Lancaster, PA 17608-3480. An appeal shall be filed within 15 business days of the mailing date of the Township's response or within 15 business days of a deemed denial. The appeal shall state the grounds upon which the requester asserts the records is a public record and shall address any grounds stated by the Township for delaying or denying the request.

This PDF can be used for "Print and Fill" or "Fill and Print"

East Earl Township's Open Records Officers are:
Justin M. Sauder, East Earl Township Open Records Officer
Denise A. Bensing, Weaverland Valley Authority Open Records Officer
Kevin C. McCarthy, Sr., Police Department Open Records Officer

Stormwater Illicit Discharge Reporting

 Illicit Discharge Reporting and Pollution Prevention

Federal regulations define an illicit discharge as “...any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater.” This can include household cleaners, lawn products, trash, and organic debris. We ask the public to not contaminate our stormwater system with items such as these. Please do not dispose of yard waste such as grass clipping and other organic debris in the street as it could inadvertently clog our stormwater inlets. If you witness an illicit discharge, please submit a form entry using the link shown here or call The Township office at 717-354-5593.

Report Stormwater Pollution

Stormwater Management

Did you know that all of the waterways that flow through the Township eventually run into the Chesapeake Bay? That means that any contaminants released into our watershed are contributing to the degradation of one of the most critically endangered ecosystems in our region.

East Earl is doing its part to protect local waterways by helping to keep the water clean before it reaches our streams. Do your part by applying best stormwater management practices. Learn more by viewing the pamphlets shown here. 

What is Stormwater
Why is Stormwater Important
Residential Construction
Commercial Constructions


 Applications and documents for download

Subdivision or Land Development Application (PDF)

Storm Water Ordinance #187 of 2014 (PDF)

Exemption Application (PDF)

Small Project Application (PDF)

Small Project Design Assistance Manual (PDF)