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  • Police 717-354-2211

East Earl Township, Lancaster County Pennsylvania, ..... where Heritage is Growing

  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township
  • East Earl Township

Public Hearing May 9th, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the east earl township board of supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 beginning at 7:00 PM at the East Earl Township office, 4610 Division Highway East Earl, PA 17519 to consider, and at that meeting or at a subsequent public meeting, held within 60 days thereafter, vote upon enacting, or take another action regarding an ordinance, the title of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST EARL, BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 358 (STORMWATER MANAGEMENT), CONTAINING GENERAL PROVISIONS; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; ESTABLISHING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, AND DESIGN, PLAN, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS; ESTABLISHING PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDINANCE AND APPLICABLE PENALTIES. The ordinance proposes to establish comprehensive regulation of stormwater management within the township.

The full text of this proposed ordinance may be examined on the Township municipal website or at the above Township municipal building address during their respective normal business hours. Any interested parties may submit comments at the May 9, 2023 East Earl Township Board of Supervisors meeting.



The following policies will be strictly adhered to for all submissions for both the Board of Supervisors and East Earl Township Planning Commission meetings.  These deadlines are being imposed to allow the Supervisors, Planning Commissioners and staff sufficient time to review materials and prepare for the respective meeting.

Board of Supervisors:  All information for the agenda or requests to be placed on the agenda must be submitted to the Township office by no later than noon on the Thursday before the monthly meeting.

Planning Commission New submissions must be at the Township office by no later than 14 calendar days prior to the monthly meeting.  A new submission must be accepted by the Township as complete before it is placed on the agenda.  Information relative to a plan in process must be at the Township office no later than seven calendar days prior to the monthly meeting.

Any information or documents submitted after the above deadlines will not be considered until the following month's meeting.


625 DETOUR    

As part of the Weaverland Valley Authority (WVA) Wasterwater Treatment Facility and Collection/Conveyance Construction Project, the WVA contractor, HRI Inc. (HRI), will begin probing for rock along SR 625 in East Earl Township, then ultimately excavating and installing new sanitary sewer facilities for the new Collection/Conveyance system. To perform this work, HRI anticipates closing SR 625 on December 5, 2022. The road will be closed between SR 23 (Main Street) and SR 1044 (Union Grove Road). The property/business owners, including the business owner's customers will have access to the properties impacted by this road closer. The road closure and detour are anticipated to be in place until approximately April1, 2023.

Throughout this project, community members should expect to experience traffic impacts along SR 23 (Main Street), SR 897 (Weaverland Valley Road) and SR 1044 (Union Grove Road).

If you have questions about this project, please call the Authority's Engineer, Becker Engineering, LLC at 717-295-4975 x112.

Detour Map

Pollution Reduction Plan

The East Earl PRP plan has been released to the community for review. Access the article here.

Residents and Developers are also encouraged to view the storm water management content found here, to educate on and improve upon best storm water management practices in the township.